


There are many different career paths for people who have earned a master’s degree in nursing administration. These job opportunities extend beyond the hospital floor into the field, 包括医生办公室, 学校, 甚至是法律和政府部门.

Some of the most popular job titles for nurses with an MSN in nursing administration, 管理或领导包括:

1. 总护士长

总护士长(CNO), 或称总护理行政主任, is typically the highest level of nursing management within a healthcare organization. CNOs help guide both the nursing and business perspective of hospital systems, 帮助制定计划, direct and organize the overall nursing and patient care operations. 除了, CNOs strive to strictly adhere to established healthcare delivery standards to help ensure the best possible patient outcomes.

Chief nursing officers are often required to have several years of nursing and leadership experience.

2. 护士管理员

A nurse administrator’s role may overlap somewhat with the CNO’s role. Both must have advanced skills in nursing, healthcare, and leadership. They must be able to interact with executives within the organization, 管理人员和护理人员, 病人, 病人的家属, 以及普通大众.

Both CNOs and nurse administrators must be comfortable on the nursing floor; however, 平均, 这两个角色都是基于办公室的.

3. 护理主任

Directors of 护理 are nurses who are responsible for administrative tasks such as hiring and training nursing staff, 制定工作时间表, 管理部门预算. 护理 Directors also act as a resource within the healthcare community, advising medical staff and administrators on nursing policies and procedures.

4. 护士经理

A nurse manager’s role can be similar to a nursing director’s role. This role will typically require a BSN and in some instances an MSN degree, 较强的临床护理经验, 展示了领导能力. 护士管理者也可以作为教育者, providing instruction to both experienced and entry-level professionals.

5. 质量改进

医疗保健 quality improvement jobs are also available to nurses with a master’s degree in nursing administration.

这些职位, such as Director of 质量改进 and Clinical Quality Manager, help ensure stringent patient care standards and policies are established and followed.

6. 护士信息

护理 informatics is a specialty that can also be found in the quality spectrum. Nurses who use informatics evaluate and use electronic healthcare data to help ensure a quality medical environment and support patient care. This integrates nursing with information management and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage and communicate medical data to improve health and patient outcomes.

7. 临床护理研究员

Nurse researchers play an important role in pharmaceutical and medical research. 他们回顾大量的信息, 评估数据, 并利用这些经验来提高病人的护理水平. 用他们的临床专业知识武装起来, nurse researchers help design scientific studies and medical trials to help improve healthcare operations and patient outcomes. 护士研究人员也可以写拨款申请, 帮助确保为卫生保健系统和试验提供资金.

8. 法定护士顾问

A legal nurse consultant helps legal and government professionals gather, 合成, 了解医疗信息. 这对于长过程是至关重要的, 比如游说医疗改革, 浏览政府医疗保健法规, 协助处理医疗事故案件.


根据 BLS, 医疗卫生服务经理的平均工资, including the roles in nursing leadership and administration listed above, was $127,980 每小时.*

工作前景很乐观, with employment opportunities for medical and health services managers are 预计增长 28% from 2022-2032, due largely in part to a population that is staying more active later in life.*发现 护理管理平均工资 由国家.


有各种各样的职业道路可供选择 护理和保健管理 毕业后获得了护理学硕士学位. The choice depends on what specialization and focus you wish to pursue.

The Herzing大学 Master's in 护理的领导 and 政府 program is designed for students looking to forge their own unique career path as a leader in nursing and make a substantial impact in patient care and outcomes. 软件下载提供多种 护理领导和管理课程 for current nurses seeking a pathway to leadership opportunities in nursing, including:

Choose a lifelong partner in learning and propel your career to the next level.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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